Pedestrian crossings. Whether its children on their way to school, walking your dog or getting in your daily exercise, there needs to be a way to cross the rail tracks safely.
The KITE Safe Cross has been developed to give safer access where the public are utilising a traditional footpath or right of way to cross the track. The genius of this product is that pedestrians and dog walkers can get a proper sighting of the track at the decision point, which is crucial for their safety.
These crossings are connecting communities, by allowing people to cross the track safely on foot, rather than having to take an alternative route by car. This helps to achieve the Government’s ambition for cycling and walking in England.
The Government’s aim is ‘to make cycling and walking the natural choices for shorter journeys, or as part of a longer journey’.
“As part of our aim to build a society that works for all, we want more people to have access to safe, attractive routes for cycling and walking by 2040.”
We are playing our part in this ambition, by providing a safe access for all pedestrians and cyclists to cross the rail tracks.
To read more about the Governments ambition, check out this article published on the ‘Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy’:
Guidance from the NHS suggests 150 minutes of exercise a week for adults. This works out to roughly just 20 minutes a day. Why not take advantage of the sunny weather this bank holiday to go for a walk, or get out your bike and go for a ride?
Not only does this contribute to your health, but this also helps towards a sustainable environment. Choosing to travel by foot or bike over travelling by car has a large benefit on the environment around us.
At KITE, we are all about protecting your network, and through our Pedestrian Crossings, we are doing this, contributing to the greater good by connecting communities and preserving life.